Personal Identity and Culture


Culture– the way a group of people live. Culture includes the way people dress, make
shelters, eat, communicate, find companionship, work, learn, are entertained, and find justice
in society.
Identity– the qualities that make one person or thing different from all others, the things that
make you uniquely you. Although you are a unique person, you were also born into a
culture. The culture of you and your family (husband, wife, children) has been influenced by
the background of your parents (and your spouse’s parents if applicable), the area of the world
they have lived in, the language they speak, and the culture of their families. In this
assignment, you will be exploring your personal culture by creating a collage which shows
various aspects of your personal identity and culture.
a collage and a presentation on your own cultural
background/heritage by responding to the following questions and adding any other pertinent
information from connections you have made to the information learned in this course to help
explain your personal and cultural identity.
Consider the following categories:
Consider the following questions:
● Class (socio-economic status)
● Gender/ F
● Ethnicity/Nationality/ Jordanion
● Race
● Religion/ I slam
● Education
● Age
● Language(s) you speak/ Arabic
Geography (Where have you lived? Urban/rural, apartment, house, other states, cities or

Where were you born? Where were your parents born? Where were your grandparents
born? Where were earlier generations of your family born? For this Question , the answer I born in Jordan , My parents and grandparents born in palestine

● In terms of race or ethnicity, how do you identify yourself? White/ Jordainion
● What types of foods related to this race or ethnicity do you cook or eat at home?
1.following: What makes you uniquely you? What things do you like and dislike? How has
your personal identity been influenced by your culture(s)
did and explain the relationship between your identity and culture(s). ●
● What language(s) is/are spoken in your home?
If applicable, what physical attributes are often attributed to people of your ethnicity or
race? Do you have any of these attributes? If so, which ones?

● What traditions or customs does your family follow?
● Do you practice a formal religion? If so, which one?

Which are the most significant holidays that your family celebrates? Which are related
to your race or ethnicity? Which are related to your religion? Which are related to other
aspects of your identity?

What ceremonies or rites of passage (celebrations of life experiences – marriage, death
etc.) exist in your culture?

● What forms of entertainment does your family enjoy?


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