Perspective of Death


Assignment Cultural Perspective of Death In a three-page paper (not counting title page and reference page, which makes it a five-page paper), discuss the beliefs and practices of death, dying, and grieving on ONE of the following three subjects. A culture that is different from your own. A religion that is VERY different from your own. A child under the age of 12. (State age). For the first two subjects, discuss whether death is significant to the individual, any initial or prolonged reactions of the individual and family to a death, and special rituals, activities, or periods of mourning following the death. If you choose to write about a child, discuss the child’s ability to understand death and the dying process at a particular age. How do children of this age grieve? Use any amount of references that you need to (at least two), however, make sure you cite your references at the end of your paper and throughout your text (APA style).


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