Persuasive Letter


You recently contacted the president of the local chapter of Toastmasters (a non-profit, speech-training organization) requesting permission to address his diverse group of speech-making students. The topic you proposed presenting is the actual topic you will present to our class for your oral presentation assignment. During the brief telephone conversation, the president was noncommittal about your proposal. He suggested you write to him outlining your topic in more detail.

Among his concerns were:
-that your topic was of genuine interest and value to the group,
-that you were qualified to address the topic,
-that the topic could be addressed satisfactorily in the allotted 7-8 minutes.Write a persuasive letter to the president.

Provide a brief outline of your topic, address his concerns and generally persuade him that you would make a good guestspeaker. Make up any missing details. Observe all the rules of good business letterform.

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