Pertaining to “12 Angry Men” Film


Conformity, Minority Influence, Normative Influence, Attribution Errors/Biases, Aggression, Leadership, Persuasion/Central and Peripheral Processing, Groups Dynamics and Decision-making, Deindividuation, Social Loafing, Psychology & Law, Jury Decision-Making, Fundamental Attribution Theory/Dispositional vs. Situational Attribution, Social Cognition (Overconfidence, Availability and Representative Heuristics), Prejudice, Stereotypes, Gender, Race, and Culture
After you have viewed the film, please answer the questions presented below:

1) What are your general thoughts/impressions about the film? What psychological/social psychological themes emerged for you? By themes I mean broader ideas and the underlying meaning.

2) How does the film tie into the study/field of social psychology? What specific examples of social psychological phenomena (listed above in bold) did you notice? Please be specific and provide detailed examples (please focus on at least one of these, but of course, you can discuss more).

3) How do these phenomena/examples apply to real-world contexts/situations/settings? In other words, what are some of the real-world implications of these examples? What is the utility/importance in having an understanding of these phenomena?


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