Petroleum Economics and Recovery Factor


It’s a petroleum/reservoir engineering research paper in report format. I need help from someone who worked on this subject before. (V4.doc) has all the instructions, notes and my results, but the writing was not check for plagiarism, that’s why I choose it as a writing service. I choose it as a research paper, because the results I found will need to be supported with sources and only scholar sources in oil & gas industry are accepted (Ex. SPE papers). To avoid Plagiarism, research, rewrite it and please use your own words with the right terminologies of the industry. I’ve attached (V3.doc) report that were given by the instructor as an example to have an idea not to copy or follow. The reports represent the same UK field I’m working on (Wytch Field), but my results are different. I highlighted the 2 sections I need help within the contents page of (V3.doc) and they are:

  1. Economic Analysis: The most important part (Research is needed “Petroleum Economics”). How a field is economically evaluated in oil and gas industry?
    (a) How to determine the economic viability of a field? How the standard economic parameters are estimated (Net Present Value (NPV), Initial Rate of Return (IRR) etc.).
    (b) What Do oil and gas companies count as an economical feasible field project? (For example: lower Lead time (investment time, selecting project with lower OPEX & CAPEX), faster Production time (select development plan that deliver that in most effective and efficient way)
  2. Total Recovery Factor Estimation:

(a) Write about the importance of estimating the recovery factor in field development and management, also the elements affecting it (Example, reservoir drive mechanism, Vertical/Horizontal connectivity, Kv/Kh ratio, lateral extensiveness of shales, distribution of channels, heterogeneity and dynamic model)
(b) Explain and state the assumption/limitations of each of the 3 approaches used to estimate displacement (Buckley-Leveret method), vertical (Newton-Raphson correlation) and areal (Muskat & co-workers correlation) sweep efficiencies.

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