Philosophy 3000: Snow Day Make-Up Assignment

In order to compensate for the missed “contact hours” lost because of a snow cancellation, please respond to the following three questions in no more than one double-spaced page for each.

You may do this assignment independently (as an individual student) or you may work in pairs (two students working together creating a single response). Please submit a hard copy to me in class next week (May 1st).

Using the Camus article in the Mulvaney anthology, please answer each of these questions (which are also found on p. 517):

1. Could a man’s life have or fail to have meaning without his knowing? (Question # 3 attributed to Ronald Hepburn)

2. Does the life of a flower have meaning? (Question #6 attributed to Ronald Hepburn)

3. “To look for a purpose in Life outside Life itself amounts to killing Life. Reason is given by Life, not vice versa. Life is prior to meaning. Life does not die, sing the Vedas. Christ came so that we might have Life, say the Gospels. Ah, these terrific Westerners who anguish over questions other cultures ask with more detachment and serenity, who are believers to the marrow even in their desacralized existence! Human life is joyful interrogation. Any answer is blasphemy.” (Question # 7 attributed to Raimon Panikkar)

For this item, please explain why you agree or disagree with the statement above. You may agree with some but not all of it as well.

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