
As we pointed out at the beginning of our class, humanity faces a series of interrelated crises — although ‘crisis’ is a word that doesn’t quite communicate the magnitude and severity of the problems considered together. We must face today and in generations to come, to put it in religious terms, and without sugar-coating it, the Four Horseman of the Apocalypse: (1) the ongoing climate catastrophe; (2) various economic and political imbalances; (3) an emerging “biogenetic” revolution of unprecedented scope; and (4) a set of problematic dilemmas of the digital machine-human link. What I’d like you to do for the extra credit essay is to find a way of thinking through one or more of the Horsemen of this Apocalypse that aims to provide future generations of humanity with either a philosophy, a religion or an ethics for end times. Use one of the philosophers we’ve studied (Plato, Descartes, Kant or Nietzsche) to aid your thinking. You can imagine what you’re writing as a kind of message in a bottle, sent down the stream of time to your fellow human beings far in the future … what would such a (philosophical, religious or moral) message say to them?

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