Photo essay

(Please don’t forget to reference)
Client Briefs CB1: Photo Essay You are working for an online magazine/newspaper and are tasked with creating a ‘5 image photo spread for the publication. The subject matter is open and up to you, but please focus on a single subject matter. There should be 5 images in total and these individual images can be made up of multiple layered files.
Included in this assignment should be a ‘1 page’ description of what your subject is, how you plan on going about recording your subject and the steps you will take to produce the final work- i.e.: manipulate the images, resize, adjust colour, etc.

References: [last accessed 10/10/17] [last accessed 10/10/17]
CB2: Animation you are working for an online platform that requires some promotional graphics for an upcoming event. This event could be a book opening, a new product release, a film opening, etc. The duration of the animation should not be longer than 10 seconds and should be formatted for the correct distribution platform- i.e.: mobile phone screen, web browser, tv channel.
CB3: Sonic Tour a local company wants to promote the Kingston Town centre and all of its relevant attractions. You are asked to create a ’30 second’ sound mix that embodies the location that you select. You must include some local ‘wild track’ and voice recording. Music is optional.
All 3 Client Briefs should be submitted via a USB thumb-drive. Each project should be in its own folder: → CB1, CB2, CB3 and each folder should have the completed files within. I.e.: CB1 should have 5 image files; CB2 should have 1 animation file; CB3 should have 1 audio file.
Assessment Strategy & Criteria
This early assessment was designed to provide students with summative feedback at the halfway point of their first semester. The assessment criteria are more focused on the student’s ability to follow instructions, submit on time AND being able to produce quality work to the specified brief. We know that these assessment procedures are a crucial part of their academic career and are keen to make the initial experience a successful one.
Assessment Criteria Rationale Client Briefs [3 projects] See below 1. To enable students to develop knowledge of, and critical engagement with, digital media production processes. 2. To equip students with basic design principles for visual communication and a knowledge of media production conventions.
CB1: Photo Essay • Submission of work online, with files in the correct folders. • Suitable interpretation of the brief. • Produced to a suitable level and contains examples of techniques learned. • To enable students to understand how to use the VLE’s and other relevant software • to provide industry standard practice to their understanding of how work is commissioned. • To enable students to produce their own conceptually derived work.
CB2: Animation • Submission of work online, with files in the correct folders. • Suitable interpretation of the brief. • Produced to a suitable level and contains examples of techniques learned. • To enable students to understand how to use the VLE’s and other relevant software • to provide industry standard practice to their understanding of how work is commissioned. • To enable students to produce their own conceptually derived work.
CB3: Sonic Tour • Submission of work online, with files in the correct folders. • Suitable interpretation of the brief. • Produced to a suitable level and contains examples of techniques learned. • To enable students to understand how to use the VLE’s and other relevant software • to provide industry standard practice to their understanding of how work is commissioned. • To enable students to produce their own conceptually derived work.

Marks are derived from a sliding scale of between 1 and 5 points. If you get a 0, it is because you have not submitted one or more of the Client Briefs listed above. The categories for the marks are:
Submission The ability to follow instructions and submit the coursework, by the required time and in the right format. Being able to navigate and use the provided materials and services including the VLE, LRC, KU Mail, etc.
Technical Fluency With relation to the production of your media. Are the exposures correct, is the audio audible and does it get close to the vision you have for this concept.
Critical Thinking Being able to create media from a concept. Interpreting the image in your head into a practical piece of audio/visual communication media. Using the different types of media for their beneficial purpose.

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