Physical property condition – include renovations made and current status


Cost control – including, budgets, advertising, wages, fees, etc.

Impacts of your decisions on human beings (employees, customers, the community and stockholders)

Self-evaluation: mental model of decision making, personal performance, aims and objectives achieved, mission and vision maintained, what to work on for the future.

Overall conclusion

Particular instructions to students

The word count for this assignment is 2,500 words. Your work should not exceed the word count with a -/+ allowance of 10%. Please feel free to use as many appendices as you feel appropriate.

This report is a business report, directed to the stockholders, and as such it should contain tables, graphs, pictures and appendices. Feel free to be creative and make it interesting for the reader, within always the boundaries of a business manner. It is essential that you include references, clearly cited and listed as per APA style.

Submission requirements

You will submit an electronic copy through blackboard assignment tab (Left hand side on BB module site). You will have the opportunity to submit your work using turnit-in to identify the level of similarity before the final ELECTRONIC ASSIGNMNET HAND-IN (both these steps must be followed).

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