Picot and program to motivate nurses

Read the highlighted portion below, from it
1. develop a PICOT statement.
Based on the highlighted portion below, from the PICOT statement you constructed from it, explain THE (P) population (BE SPECIFIC) and (I) intervention

P = patient population
I = intervention or issue of interest your intervention cannot be anything involving medication or procedures on patients.
C = comparison intervention or issue of interest
O = outcome
T = time frame
Try using the PICOT format to help you formulate your clinical question and search for relevant studies and publications.
In _________(P), how does __________ (I) compared to _________ (C) influence _________ (O) over ________ (T)?

Some examples…all of these are related to NURSING practice problems and do have realistic and measurable outcomes.
1. The NURSE problem – I work in a clinic where many parents do not vaccinate their young daughters against HPV, the main cause of cervical cancer, because they have been misinformed or do not know the truth about the benefits of the vaccine

In parents of teen age girls (P), how do receiving educational brochures (I) on the benefits of HPV vaccine compared to not receiving the educational brochures(C) influence the parents’ opinion on getting the vaccine (O) on their next clinic visit (T)?

2. The NURSE problem – I work in an ED and so many of my patients come in with high blood sugar and uncontrolled diabetics. When I talk to them, I can tell no one has ever set down with them and gave them any information on how to manage or control their disease.
In diabetic patients (P), will a nurse-led education class (I)compared to no education (C)increase the patient’s overall knowledge, and self-empowerment in control of their diabetes (o)immediately upon completing the class (T)?

3. The NURSE problem – Frequent flyers in the ED compete for the ED precious resources. These patients come in over and over again with the same complaints. This makes it very hard for staff to maintain a good attitude, and not get burnt out. The ED is a highly stressful environment and many nurses develop bad attitudes over time.
In ED nurses(P), will forming a peer-support outing/group(I) compared to having no group (C) help nurses feel less stressed and less burn-out(O) after having groups meet monthly for 3 months(T)?

4. The NURSE problem- I noticed a problem with morale and employees calling in sick frequently at my work place.
For nursing staff at the VA (P) will developing a wellness program and encouraging employee participation (I) compared to having no wellness program (C) Improve employee morale and decrease sick leave usage (O)?

address the following on the PICOT statement:
1. Evidence-Based Solution
2. Nursing Intervention
3. Patient Care
4. Health Care Agency
5. Nursing Practice

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