Pidgeon Pagonis, M.A.

1. Visit Pidgeon’s website ( and watch the YouTube video “What Do People Know About Being Intersex.” What is binary? Intersex? How did your knowledge of intersex prior to this Speaker Series event compare to the knowledge of people in the video? How did your knowledge change after hearing Pidgeon speak? Explain how Pidgeon’s movement relates to one of the ECCE Speaker Series central themes of engaged citizenship (look in your syllabus under course objectives to find these central themes)?
2. Pidgeon’s mom made a choice for them as a child to conduct a life-altering surgery. Tell us about a time when a choice was made on your behalf that has significantly impacted the trajectory of your life. Do you agree with the choice that was made for you or do you wish you had had the opportunity to make the choice yourself? How would your life be the same if you were allowed to make the choice yourself? How would it be different?

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