For the discussion this week, read Sections 1 and 2 of Chapter 11 of the Community Tool Box Then read the following scenario:
A health educator at a local public health department provides oversight for an obesity prevention program to increase physical activity of adults of different ages through social support interventions in the community setting, at work sites, and at the university. The specific objectives are:
Within 1 year of program implementation, to increase minutes spent in physical activity by 20% among targeted citizen groups.
Within 1 year of program implementation, to increase frequency of attending exercise sessions by 15% among targeted citizen groups.
Within 1 year of program implementation, to increase the number of blocks walked or flights of stairs climbed daily by 15% among targeted citizen groups.
Within 6 months of program implementation, 80% of program participants will report an improvement in their confidence in their ability to exercise.
Based on the evidence of effectiveness, the intervention selected was building, strengthening, and maintaining social networks that provide supportive relationships for increasing physical activity (CDC, 2011).
The assignment for the health educator is to recruit volunteers who will set up a buddy system, make contracts with others to complete specified levels of physical activity, or set up walking groups or other groups to provide friendship and support within the community, at work sites, and at the local university.
Assume the role of the health educator respond to the following questions about the recruitment process.
Why is a volunteer position required?
What qualifications should the volunteer possess?
When will the services of a volunteer be required?
Who will be recruiting volunteers?
Where will volunteers be recruited?
What methods will be used to recruit volunteers?
How will you know you have selected the appropriate individuals to serve as a volunteer (Adapted from Fottler, Hernandez & Joiner. (1994). Strategic management of human resources in health services organizations (2nd ed., pp. 324 – 325). Albany, NY: Delmar)?
From your personal experience, what has worked for you when you have recruited volunteers? What has not worked?
From Bhandari, M., Hunter, K. & Phillips, K. (2013). Practical Application of Entry-Level Health Education Skills, 2nd Edition. Jones & Bartlett Learning, ISBN-13: 978-1-4496-8389-4, pages 176 – 177.