Plymouth Plantation Excerpt

Plymouth Plantation Excerpt

The post has two asighnments

1:Of Plymouth Plantation Excerpt

Order Description

Narrative Essay- English and History
Narrative Essay- English and History
Criteria Ratings Pts
Criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Controlling Idea
4.0 pts
Presents and maintains a precise, substantive controlling idea that addresses all aspects of the prompt, takes into account the complexity of the topic and, where
appropriate, acknowledges gaps in evidence or information.
3.5 pts
3.0 pts
Presents and maintains a clear, specific controlling idea that addresses all aspects of the prompt and takes into account the complexity of the topic.
2.5 pts
2.0 pts
Presents a clear controlling idea that addresses the prompt, with an uneven focus.
1.5 pts
1.0 pts
Presents a general or unclear controlling idea.
4.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Selection & Citation of Evidence
4.0 pts
Includes well-chosen details, examples, and/or quotations from sources that fully support the controlling and supporting ideas. Consistently cites sources using
appropriate format.
3.5 pts
3.0 pts
Includes details, examples, and/or quotations from sources that support the controlling and supporting ideas. Consistently cites sources with minor formatting errors.
2.5 pts
2.0 pts
Includes details, examples, and/or quotations from sources that are relevant to the controlling idea. Inconsistently cites sources.
1.5 pts
1.0 pts
Includes minimal details from sources. Sources are used without citation.
4.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Development/Explanation of Sources
4.0 pts
Thoroughly and accurately explains ideas and source material to support and develop the controlling idea.
3.5 pts
3.0 pts
Accurately explains ideas and source material and how they support the controlling idea.
2.5 pts
2.0 pts
Explains ideas and source material to support the controlling idea, with some incomplete reasoning or explanations.
1.5 pts
1.0 pts
Explanation of ideas and source material is irrelevant, incomplete, or inaccurate.
4.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Organization
4.0 pts
Groups and sequences ideas in a logical progression in which ideas build to create a unified whole. Uses varied transitions to clarify the precise relationships among
complex ideas, concepts, and information.
3.5 pts
3.0 pts
Groups and sequences ideas to develop a cohesive explanation. Uses transitions to clarify the relationships among complex ideas, concepts, and information.
2.5 pts
2.0 pts
Groups ideas and uses transitions to develop the controlling idea, with some lapses in coherence or organization.
1.5 pts
1.0 pts
Lacks an evident structure. Makes unclear connections among ideas, concepts, and information.
4.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Conventions
4.0 pts
Consistently applies standard English conventions, with few errors. Demonstrates varied syntax and precise word choice. Consistently uses language and tone appropriate
to the audience and purpose.
3.5 pts
3.0 pts
Consistently applies standard English conventions; minor errors, while noticeable, do not interfere with the clarity of the writing. Uses language and tone appropriate
to the audience and purpose.
2.5 pts
2.0 pts
Errors in standard English conventions sometimes interfere with the clarity of the writing. Uses language and tone that are sometimes inappropriate for the audience
and purpose.
1.5 pts
1.0 pts
Major errors in standard English conventions interfere with the clarity of the writing. Language or tone is inappropriate.
4.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Historical Content Understanding
4.0 pts
Addresses historical content effectively to strengthen the clarity and development of the explanation.
3.5 pts
3.0 pts
Addresses historical content adequately to support the explanation.
2.5 pts
2.0 pts
Addresses historical content superficially.
1.5 pts
1.0 pts
Does not address historical content.
4.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome US History: Standard 1
4.0 pts
Full discussion detailing reasons and experiences in the journey to America
3.5 pts
3.0 pts
Adequate discussion mentioning reasons and experiences in the journey to America.
2.5 pts
2.0 pts
Mentions one reason/experience in the journey to America
1.5 pts
1.0 pts
No mention of reasons/experiences in the journey to America.
4.0 pts

2: Death of American Indians after Columbus arrived

Order Description

Describe how Christopher Columbus affected the Native Americans (Indians) such as genocide, disease, land confiscation, trade wars, alcohol, Seven Year War,

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