Podcast: COVID-19 – Mayo Clinic


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sd5Ll0C637w (Links to an external site.)

After viewing the Podcast provide your view and understanding of the contributing factors to health disparities across minorities. How does bidirectional communication empower the community to work with health professionals? How does communication between healthcare professionals within the different ethnic communities assist in dealing with the pandemic?

Respond to TWO classmates: 30 points are possible (a maximum of 15 points per response to your classmate). Your responses must be respectful, substantial (include supporting details and facts), and will address your classmate by name. Try having a spirit of inquiry, and feel free to ask questions to further your understanding of the post or to promote further discussion. In addition, make sure you support your response by using references.


When battling a health crisis or global pandemic like the world has since 2020, the importance of bidirectional communication has become more evident than ever. From tracing, to exploring, and understanding the virus it brings us closer to a resolution. If the bidirectional communication were not available, we would not be able to narrow down the symptoms, and what age range was mostly affected. We were also able to determine the groups that were more highly affected by the viruses and the characteristics they held. As mentioned in the video by Dr. Weiland, “communities with higher racial and ethnic minorities have higher housing density” therefore eliminating the ability to properly social distance. Also, if we see of their financial class, we can also conclude that those of lower class most likely do not have paid time sick off, meaning they will attend their jobs daily and run the risk of infecting others but also not allowing their own bodies to recover. They are also more susceptible to becoming infected because they probably take public transportation that may be filled with the virus. Unfortunately, these employees work in a demanding essential job that does not allow them to be absent especially during a pandemic, these include grocery store employees, janitors, and cleaners. We must understand the circumstances and limitation the social class imposes and work towards bridging the gap so that all are on the same page and the one goal which is lowering the spread of the virus, is obtainable. To progress, the line of communication between patients, scientist and physicians are essential to being open. The patient asks for the most information as possible to help understand the pandemic, but the physicians and scientist should be listening to all the key finding being provided by the patients.


Many factors contribute to health disparities among racial, ethnic groups in the United States, such as socioeconomic disadvantages, environmental conditions (Mayo clinic, 2020). Moreover, health behaviors, language barriers genetics also impact health disparities among the US population. Racial, ethnic groups experience health risks and poor health outcomes with higher rates of health disparities due to their disproportionate exposure to unfavorable health conditions and environments (NCSL, 2020). For instance, the COVID-19 pandemic has primarily exposed how socioeconomic, ethnic, and environmental factors impact health disparities among the United States population. African Americans are known to have higher cases of high blood pressure and strokes, which have predisposed them to severe effects of COVID-19. Moreover, healthcare discrimination, crowded housing situations, poverty, and increased reliance on public transit increase their chances of contracting COVID-19.
The world health organization recognizes bidirectional communication as a vital aspect in enhancing community health and improving healthcare outcomes through community-provider collaboration. Bidirectional communication ensures that services are appropriately tailored to the population’s needs and values to enhance population health, particularly during public health emergencies like the case of the covid-19 pandemic (Cyril et al., 2015). Effective communication between communities and healthcare professionals ensures that the affected people understand the risks they face and take personal initiatives in response to acceptable and guided by healthcare professionals.

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