Poem analysis



For this discussion, you will practice conducting a close reading of a poem for this unit.

Read the poem carefully.
Explain what you find intriguing about it. Note the elements of the poem that are most interesting to you, using the vocabulary learned in this unit: speaker, stanza, end rhyme, etc.
Include at least one quotation from the poem; be sure to deliver it with a signal phrase and to punctuate it properly.
Next, suggest which one (or more) of the four modes of poetry analysis—aural, visual, symbolic, or thematic—can be said to drive the poem and why you believe this is true.
Criteria on which you will be graded:

Demonstration of your understanding of the reading
Level of idea development
The quality of your writing, including grammar, logic, and transition
Timeliness of your post


The ladies men admire, I’ve heard,

Would shudder at a wicked word.

Their candle gives a single light;

They’d rather stay at home at night.

They do not keep awake till three,

Nor read erotic poetry.

They never sanction the impure,

Nor recognize an overture.

They shrink from powders and from paints …

So far, I’ve had no complaints.





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