
Choose a jurisdiction you want to write about (Seattle, Indiana, the U.S., etc). You are going to write about two possible policy changes – choose two of the following:

a policy that could diminish racial or gender inequality on some dimension (wages, housing, etc).
a policy that could target the wealthy – but NOT an income tax on millionaires
a policy that could target extreme poverty.
If you are writing about Seattle, you may choose to use an example of a policy that was enacted in another jurisdiction but has not been enacted in “your” jurisdiction yet. So, if you are writing about the U.S., maybe you will find a sample policy enacted in the U.K. If you are writing about New York perhaps you will find one enacted in Chicago. Answer the following for each policy, in memo format (2.5 pages single spaced, max). Imagine that you are writing to a policymaker in your jurisdiction as a policy analyst:

1. Describe the components of the policy change briefly

2. What economic changes and results do you expect, for example: By what mechanism would change happen? What measures of inequality, wealth, or poverty do you think would change as a result of the policy, and how (see Goodwin et al and Pew Research Center link for ideas)? What distributional effects would there be or what overall effects on the economy in the jurisdiction?

3. In your conclusion, indicate which policy you think would be most important to pursue.

Cite any source you use that describes the policy, but as for “economics” sources – that is, about the likely economic effects of your policy proposals, please use your class readings. You should not have to read extra materials other than materials describing the specific policies you are writing about.

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