Political/ethical topic

You may choose your own political/ethical topic just be sure it has robust information on both pro and con sides. Once you have chosen your topic, start researching it and decide who best represents the topic as a debater. This could be someone who is vocally pro OR con. For example, if I had chosen the U.S.’ 2nd Amendment (right to bear arms) I might choose either NRA spokesperson Dana Loesch or former Congresswoman Gabby Giffords who was shot and became a gun control advocate. Whichever side your debater is on, their opponent will be Socrates.
General Advice:

Find a topic that you are genuinely interested in—it will make the process more entertaining.
Topics do not have to be U.S.-based; any global political or ethical issue is fair game!
Have fun with your debaters—keep them in character so your debate is lively.
Make sure you provide solid data and examples for your debaters to bolster their positions (and don’t forget to cite that info).

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