Polymer characterization utilizing Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM)

Title: Polymer characterization utilizing Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM)
The presentation has to be based on the below points:
Principle of operation Or The theory.
The aim of using SEM on polymer.
The role or the importance of SEM in the optimization of materials.
Apparatus description or Required test equipment, scheme of scanning electron microscope
Applications of SEM to polymer characterization.
The resolution of SEM or image resolution improvement
How SEM define limitations and properties.
3D in SEM
magnification of SEM and Depth of focus of SEM
The comparison between SEM and other electron microscopes like TEM
Example data, and how data relates to fundamental polymer science.
Samples or specimen preparation.
The test performance.
Pitfalls, tips, costs, etc.
Conclusion and summery.

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