Popular Music in the USA: POST WAR ERA

According to the reading, smaller independent record labels were able to succeed, and even thrive, during the
post-war era. This led to the development of rock and roll, as these labels took the lead in experimenting with
styles, markets, and tastes. Using two labels mentioned in the readings as contrasting examples, describe the
difficulties that they faced before and after the Great Depression. Second, discuss the techniques by which
they worked to overcome those difficulties. Third, describe the ways in which each carved a niche in genre and
marketing. Use the following types of information to guide your essay: What artists, genres, geographic or
social tastes defined each label? Were they successful? Where there any specific ideologies or strategies that
they used? What role did the producers play (did they allow the artists freedom, did they suggest specific
songs or stylistic changes)? Who were the important figures?
Drawing from this week’s reading, lectures, listening, and the Etta James interview, describe the relationship
between white and African-American artists during the post-War era. This will take the form of two parts.
Identify and discuss one practice in the music industry that allows for new opportunities for black artists during
this period. Second, do the same with one practice that hinders the opportunities for economic success by
black artists. For both parts, use at least 3 examples to demonstrate your point: experiences by individual
artists, efforts by specific members of the music industry (DJs, record labels, producers), changes and trends
in audiences during this time, or any other relevant information. Your goal is to fully DESCRIBE and EXPLAIN
one way in which new opportunities exist and one way in which barriers remain.

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