Portfolio Construction Project

For your course project, you’re to construct a sound investment portfolio. Please follow the steps below to construct an Optimum Portfolio using Mean-Variance Optimization Method:

  1. Identify your Investment Goals (should be SMART) for your investment portfolio.
  2. Identify your Risk Tolerance Index.
  3. Ascribe an asset allocation.
  4. Select assets.
  5. Calculate Portfolio’s Return, Beta, Standard Deviation, Sharpe, and Alpha.
  6. Project the portfolio’s return within 68% probability for the next year.
    Submit your projects on Sunday 4/16/2019 on Canvas

Your portfolio project should be in APA format, 15-20 pages (excluding appendixes), and single space with at least ten references.

  • Cover
  • Table of contents
  • Table of charts, figures, and tables
  • Introduction – summary of your project
  • Investment Goals, Risk Tolerance Index, Asset Allocation, Asset Selection.
    Summary discussion for each.
  • Portfolio’s performance measurements – Summary disucssions on each measures.
  • Performance projection and comparison with major indices (S&P500, etc.)
  • APA Citations (References and in-text)
  • Appendix (related parts for the financial statements for the companies)

Your textbooks – Investments, Zvi Bodie, 11e. & New Paradigm Investor, Gandevani
My proprietary Investment Portfolio Optimization in your course
Yahoo Finance
Investor Business Daily newspaper (http://www.investors.com/)
Wall Street Journal (http://online.wsj.com/public/us)

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