Portfolio Simulation Report

  1. Performance Summary: use table and chart to describe week-to-week and monthly performance (May and
    June). See the example below.
    For this assignment your task is to complete parts C and D only that are highlighted from the instructions
    below. The paper has already been written, the holding reports have been uploaded so you see the necessary
    data that needs to be put into a table like the example above and used to measure the sharpe ratio and so
    Written summary report submission
    The summary should be 2-3 pages long with good visual aid and formatting. An example (please do not copy
    the entire format, as many of the contents won’t apply) can be found here.
    a. Introduction: offers basic information about your portfolio, such as how many stock holdings, what is/are the
    industries of interests, first day of trading, among others.
    b. Strategy and execution: offers the general idea(s) utilized when making decisions on what stocks to trade
    and how many to trade.
    c. Performance overview: describe the performance measures to date. Specifically, portfolio returns and
    Sharpe ratio. Explain what they mean.
    i. Historical weekly performance (use chart, return only)
    ii. Entire investment period performance (from 5/11 to 6/14): use table. Also measures volatility (daily standard
    deviation) and Sharpe ratio.
    iii. Benchmark’s performance comparison (S&P 500): the same format as ii.
    d. Current fund status
    i. Sector allocation: use pie chart. See the example provided.
    ii. Top 10 holdings: use table. Specify the weights.
    iii. Top winners and top losers.
    e. Future outlook: briefly discuss how you would operate your portfolio, if it were a continuous project, over next

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