POS software Report

The report should include the following components:
Phase I: A list of at least ten components of the information system

  1. POS software
    2 POS hardware
  2. Cash drawer
  3. Bar –code scanner
  4. Printer
    6 Card machine
    7 Network devices
    8 Hardware for different payment methods
    9 Servers and power sources
    10 Touch screen or key board

Phase II: A list of at least twenty threats to the different components
Threats to a Point of Sale system (POS)

  1. POS sofware
    a. A hacker can purchase and launch malware attacks on POS systems with out too much effort.
    b. POS malwarec an also be easily designed and used to attack multiple businesses systems.
  2. POS hardware
    a. Poor installation of the system
    not probably maintaining the system
  3. Pin pads
    a. Theft of the actual pin pad
    b. Theft of customers credit card information
  4. Bar-code scanner
    a. Easy to by pass because product just needs to be scanned.
    b. Malicious bar code can give access to the keyboard through
  5. Printer
    a. If the printer is connected through the wifi, a hacker can connect to it.
    b. Documents information theft
  6. Card Reader
    a. Skimming the card reader
    b. Stealing of customers information.
  7. Network Devices
    a. Connection to the network and not having a firewall installed.
    b. Anti Virus not installed properly or updated correctly.
  8. Hardware for different payment methods
    a. Physical theft of cash in the system
    b. Not setting up anti-virus

9.Servers and power sources
a. Any amount of down time during an attack can lead to a potential loss
b. Identity the source of the power they can turn it of

10.Touch screen or keyboard
a The use of a keystroke injection
b. The use of a mouse jack

Phase III: Calculation of the amount of risk of each of these threats

Phase IV: Select the top five threats and identify security controls to address them

The project report should include the following sections:
• Executive Summary
• Overview
• Components of the Information Systems
• Threats
• Risks
• Security controls
• Conclusions

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