Possible Short and Long-Term Effects of the Trade War Between the United States and China

Requires knowledge of econometrics, finding data and data analysis, as well as interpreting data analysis and results. Well written academic paper.

  1. A brief summary of the main idea and hypotheses to be tested
  2. A description of your data :

Approximate sample size;
Type of data (time-series, cross-section, panel);
The time period covered;
Description of units of observations (e.g. states, countries, counties, individuals, firms…);
Main variables of interest (outcome variable(s), independent variable(s) and control variables)
Who are the representative agents
Model timing, interactions between agents
Optimizing conditions/how agents make choices
Key model assumptions, and justification for assumptions

  1. A description of your empirical strategy:

Equation(s) to be estimated (with correct indices and explanation of all variables);
Description of methodology (e.g. OLS, IV, Diff-in-Diff, Event Study,…);
Robustness checks you expect to do and possible extensions
Predictions of model
Key model results (i.e. key model equations, no need to list all of them!)
Do model predictions match the research hypothesis? Any connection to empirical evidence?

  1. summary statistics table reporting the number of observations, mean, median, minimum, and maximum for main variables
  2. a visual graph (i.e. histogram, scatter plot, etc)

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