Power of Habit

  1. Compare and contrast a growth mindset with a fixed mindset.  What characteristics make up each of these
    mindsets?  Why is it important to learn about these mindsets?  Do you think it’s possible to change a mindset? 
    Explain a time when you demonstrated a fixed mindset and when you demonstrated a growth mindset.
    2.  What are the different meanings Duckworth gives in the article “The Significance of Grit:  A Conversation
    with Angela Lee Duckworth” by Deborah Perkins-Gough to the word resilience?  Which definition do you agree
    with the most?  How is grit connected to resilience?  Explain a time you have been resilient and/or gritty in your
  2. Are habits adaptive (changeable) or maladaptive (unchangeable)? How can you tell? What factors
    determine whether they are adaptive or maladaptive? Provide examples of adaptive and maladaptive habits in
    your answer.
  3. What is the difference between the reward and craving in the habit loop? Describe the golden rule of habit
    change. Explain how the framework of Alcoholics Anonymous fits with the golden rule of habit change. What
    are the different ways needed to change a habit? What is essential for habit change?
    5.  What did Tony Dungy mean by this statement: “Champions don’t do extraordinary things. They do ordinary
    things, but they do them without thinking, too fast for the other team to react. They just follow the habits they’ve
    learned” (61)?  How did Tony Dungy get his football players to change their habits? Did the new habits stick?
    Why did the habits “fail” during the critical moments (i.e., playoff games)? What else was needed to make the
    habits permanent?

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