Power point presentation on the 1981 strike


Read articles provided in the “Intro to ATC” Module discussing the 1981 Air Traffic Controller Strike.

Compare and contrast your findings from the articles and any research you found on your own in a PowerPoint Presentation. The PowerPoint includes a minimum of 6 slides not including the title slide and the reference page slide. Include in the slide presentation consequences of the strike in your opinion and why and Conclusion.

Use proper APA citing (in-text) and references. Non-academic sources like wikipedia.org will not be accepted. An overly brief case study will result in points lost.

Case Studies will be held to the strictest professional standards, so watch your spelling and grammar; proofread your work! Use APA formatting for the text body and citations/works cited.

The completed assignment must be uploaded onto Canvas by 11:59 PM 09/23/19. Will be presented in class on Tuesday 09/24/19.

(See the Rubrics for this assignment)

If your work is submitted late work, 10 points per day will be deducted.



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