Prejudice and Discrimination

From its origins in 1941 through the present, affirmative action programs have been controversial. Supreme Court rulings in the late 1970s and 1980s upheld the principle of affirmative action but since 1989, a more conservative court has been ruling against “race-conscious remedies.” This discussion will require you to address the value of these programs.

In order to prepare for this discussion, you must first complete the following readings.

Read Chapter 3-Prejudice and Discrimination, focusing on the causes and consequences of both concepts.
Review the section on The Affirmative-Action Controversy, focusing on the arguments for and against affirmative action.
Identify one outside source that addresses affirmative-action or reverse-discrimination to support your discussion. Share your reference with the class by inserting a link or the article as an attachment.

After you have completed your readings, select only ONE of the following questions, and post your response. Choose 1 or 2.

Explain what affirmative action as a social program was supposed to accomplish. Discuss if, in your opinion, it has been successful or a failure? Support your argument with facts.
What claims have been made regarding reverse discrimination and how does it relate to affirmative action? Do you agree or disagree with the issues raised? Support your argument with facts.

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