Premature Ejaculation
*Acupuncture_for_premature_ejaculation__Protocol.30.pdf [MATERIAL]
*Relation of shen depression to premature ejaculation because for treatment of PE in modern medicine is used the SSRIs.docx [MATERIAL]
The-Relationship-of-the-Kidney-and-Heart-in-Chinese-Medicine-Part-One.pdf [MATERIAL]
PEjaculation.pdf [MATERIAL]
The Five Vital Substances in Traditional Chinese Medicine.pdf [MATERIAL]
* Acupuncture vs Paroxetine for the Treatment of Premature Ejaculation.pdf [MATERIAL]
Effect of SSRI antidepressants on ejaculation: a double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled study .webarchive [MATERIAL]
MAle sexual disfunction – PIIS2050052117301464.pdf [MATERIAL]
Micro Acupuncture in practice 2009 – Wang.pdf [MATERIAL]
artikel – dc89c7e5be6ffd577e8638677a62b39b7163.pdf [MATERIAL]


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