For this Assignment, you are the Emergency Manager in your own community. The city council has asked
that you make a presentation to them on the readiness of the community’s emergency agencies to
respond to a major hurricane (Category 3 or greater). The city council wants to know the processes you
will follow to enlist other cities, counties, the state, or the federal government if needed during this type of
In your presentation identify, the resources that are available within your own community; assets available
throughout neighboring cities, the county, state, and the federal governments; and infrastructure
organizations such as, public utilities, hospitals, public health, etc. Identify three or more private sector
resources that might be required during the emergency. Use the internet to research the resources
available in your city, state, and in the federal government.
Then distinguish the roles of all of the organizations identified, and break down the specific needs that
each organization will fulfill based on an emergency involving a hurricane (Category 3 or greater).
Discuss how each organization identified will respond to the hurricane both independently and in
collaboration with the other organizations you have identified.