President Wilson believed that WWI was “…the war to end all wars.”


1. President Wilson believed that WWI was “…the war to end all wars.”
a. Briefly discuss why he held this belief
b. Looking into the future up through the 1950’s, discuss reasons why this could never be true. It’s imperative in this response that you identify and explain the reasons behind at least 3 US interventions in other country’s affairs after WWII (i.e. Iran, Cuba, Venezuela, Syria, Egypt etc). Once you’ve done this, then respond to part ‘c’ below.
c. As you answer ‘b’ incorporate stipulations of the Versailles Treaty and Eisenhower’s treatment of the Geneva Accords, as well as the threat of Communism to the economic superiority of the U.S.
d. After answering the above, give me your opinion as to whether there is a possibility that the U.S. would ever be able to stay out of military actions, taking into account the years from 1915 through 1959. Be sure to support your opinion with facts and events from your text as well as any outside information you may get from a little research.
2. Carefully trace the changes in approaches to the American economy from the 1920’s through the 1950’s. It’s best here to explain by presidential administration detailing the economic approaches of the presidents beginning with Hoover (1928-1932) and moving through FDR, Truman, Eisenhower, and finally JFK.
Refer to the Module section for detailed information about the Midterm Exam Essay.
a. Especially illustrate the cycles or approaches toward the U.S. economy: going from one extreme to another depending upon the mood of the nation and the presidential administrations of specific time periods.
b. Give your opinion, supported by historic events, as to whether you feel Roosevelt’s New Deal would have lifted the U.S. economy from depression without his entrance into WWII.




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