Principles related to human resource management

Research Paper– The research paper should incorporate the concepts and principles related to the study of Human Resource Management covered within the course. The organization, and/or management issue, that you choose must have enough written about it in order for you to do an in-depth analysis. All papers should be proofread, free of spelling/grammatical errors, include proper citations, and be in accordance with current APA standards. A minimum of five (5) scholarly references are required. The paper must be uploaded to Moodle (by the required due date) and assembled as follows:
• Cover sheet (Subject, Title, Course Number and Name).
• A total 5-6 pages (numbered), double-spaced (12-point font: TNR). The paper must be written in “3rd person.”
• Margins: (1”).
• No newspaper or Internet sources will be accepted, including Wikipedia; professional trade magazines (e.g. Business Week, Fortune, Harvard Business Review, etc.) may be used, but will not count toward the required scholarly references.
• A Reference List is required; appropriate tables and figures may be used when warranted.


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