Printmaking Lesson Plan

NYS Standards: Refer to NY Visual Art Standards, include in your lesson plan here the standard (by
name/number/letter AND description) that your lesson plan meets/supports. The standards should align with
your objective and your assessment. Refer to link below.
*You will read through the Visual Art Standards for your fieldwork site’s grade level and determine the most
appropriate standard.
Learning Objectives: What concept will children demonstrate understanding of, and/or what skill will they
demonstrate proficiency in by participating in this lesson/activity? What will children do that demonstrates their
understanding, proficiency, or mastery of the concept or skill?
Materials: Include ALL materials that you will need for this lesson, this can be in list format.
Assessment: Assessment will be directly aligned with OBJECTIVES and STANDARDS Describe how you will
assess whether children have learned concept and/or skill? i.e., What will students do/say/make/create that
reveals or demonstrates understanding and ability?

Outline of Instructional Strategies & Procedures (Describe & discuss all of the following in detail):
Orientation: How will you introduce lesson/activity in appealing, engaging & Developmentally Appropriate way?
And – can you make connections to prior lessons/activities/experience?
Work/Practice: The specific steps you will take with children to teach skill/concept, and what children will do.
Include here if you will model, what questions you will ask, etc.
Ending: How will you conclude the lesson/activity?

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