Privacy Considerations in Healthcare




Direct to consumer drug advertising
Use of patient restraints
Organ donation issues
Personal relationships with patients
Surrogate parenting
Reporting of observed negligence
Defining clinical death
Conflicts between medical practice and religious practices
Ethical concerns arising out of the current medical malpractice legal system Ethical conflicts in mental health settings

1. Briefly introduce the topic and the ethical question or conflict involved.
2. State the arguments adopted by those who argue for.
3. State the arguments adopted by those who argue against.
4. State your position and develop the reasoning that supports it.
If you feel a different approach is better, you are free to adopt it, as long as you are exploring the aspects I’ve suggested.
The most common error I see students make in their papers is failing to include adequate citation of resources in APA style.
• For example, quoting from your research, you may write “Most students don’t pay enough attention to rubrics when doing course assignments, and lose points as a result.” (Crocker, 2020)
• “(Crocker, 2020)” should be an “in text” citation within the body of your writing. The full citation for “Crocker, 2020” must appear on the reference page.
Keep these things in mind:
• WHY, WHY, WHY- when stating YOUR position, “I am in agreement with Crocker’s
statement” isn’t adequate. WHY are you in agreement? On what principle or experience
or reasoning can you defend your position?
• WHO SAYS? – whenever you make an affirmative statement without a foundation, I’m
going to ask you “who says?” If it’s a third person (someone else), it should be cited. If it’s first person (you), there should be argument that supports it.


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