Private Equity – Ducati

1. Outline the key differences between the structure and investment philosophies of TPG and that of Invest industrial? ( 2. What are the pitfalls of a private equity firm managing a publicly traded company? From the perspective of a PE firm, what are the advantages of taking a publicly traded company private? 3. Consider a €1.7 per share tender offer in 2008, what would be the expected money multiple and IRR if Invest industrial were to exit the Ducati investment in: a) December 2011 b) December 2013? How sensitive is the exit valuation to EV/EBITDA multiples? 4. Fund III, which Invest industrial earlier used to invest in Ducati, was fully invested in 2007 and so Invest industrial had to use its newly raised Fund IV. Outline possible conflicts of interest in having two different funds invest in same company. What would you suggest Invest industrial do to mitigate the risks?

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