Product market fit, Design research

This assignment is done in groups of 4 students and is all about your idea for a product (website
or app) that i have approved beforehand. The tasks in this assignment are based on lectures
1-4 (both presentations and material learned in class).
The format should be a PDF file that includes:

  1. Your product
    a. Name and description
    b. The need that your product accommodates
  2. The user
    a. Who is the target audience for your product? How many personas do you have
    and who is the main persona for the launch (lecture 3).
    b. Summary of user interviews and user observations. The summary should contain
    the insights you’ve achieved through the interviews and observations,
    things/facts that enlightened you, changed your views/plans about your product
    or focused you in specific direction. You should conduct at least 4 interviews.
    Groups with more than 4 students should have more than 4 users interviewed.
    (lecture 3).
    i. Provide names and other relevant information about each of the users
    you’ve interviewed.
    ii. Provide the questions you’ve asked (the interview should contain at least
    5 questions).
    iii. Provide relevant answers and key data you’ve extracted from each
    interviewee (for you as ux and product designers)
    iv. Provide key insights from user observations.
    c. Detailed persona template for your main persona (slide 17 on lecture 3).
  3. The market
    a. Market definition
    b. The competitors (at least 4 competitors). Groups with more than 4 students
    should have more competitors analyzed.
    i. Describe each competitor with key data: background, target audience,
    uniqueness, traffic and other important information about the
    ii. Each competitor should get 1 slide.
    c. Features comparison table with all competitors in it (lecture 4)
    d. Position in the market diagram with all the competitors (lecture 4)
    Grading structure

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