Professional and Personal Biography

Write a professional biography, which tells the story of who you are.
-write in 3rd person
-begin with the introduction and end with personal interests outside of education.
-Basically it will respond to these four questions: 1-Where have you been? , 2-Where are you now? 3-Where
do you hope to go? 4-What do you like to do?.
Basic Components:
1-Full name and a quick sentence that describes your basic background. It will include the Name of college, Year in
school, academic focus, and Professional interest.
2-Educational Background: where do you complete your undergraduate course? Do you have a
bachelors/associate degree?
3- Current job or professional experience: talk about the skills you learned and how they can be applicable to
your pharmacy career. Example of skills: how to multitask, how to value customer service skills are, etc.
4- Awards honors and certifications you have received.
5-Professional memberships you currently hold
6- Career goals
7-Personal interests and/or hobbies (example: reading, traveling, etc)

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