Professional Development Plan (IPDP)

1. Attaining your goals requires far more than identifying what you would like to achieve. You also need to identify specific strategies and resources for achieving each goal, a timeline for completion, and progress measures. These are the components of an Individual Professional Development Plan (IPDP). Your IPDP serves becomes the cornerstone of your professional development. It serves as a guidepost for your professional development, providing pathways for translating your goals into concrete action steps.

Based on the information you gathered in your worksheet, complete the IPDP Template to create your Individual Professional Development Plan. An example of how to fill out each column is provided in the first row of the template.

2. After completing the IPDP, choose two action steps from your plan to implement. Provide evidence to demonstrate that you completed the action step and attach it as an appendix to your IPDP. Examples of evidence might include such items as a certificate of attendance from a professional conference, interview notes, and/or photographs.


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