Professional journals of education



1.Choose 2 articles from professional journals of education (scholarly and/or peer-reviewed articles only). You must choose articles to related one of the language arts (reading, writing, listening, speaking, viewing or visual representation) in the course textbook. Both articles should be on the same topic. This topic must be clearly included in your title on the title page. Articles must be published within the last 5 years and must be more than 5 pages.

2.Your review must be written in your words and include 1–2 scholarly citations per paragraph in current APA format, except in the reflective section where none are included. Do not over quote from the article. Instead, summarize and paraphrase.

3.Write a separate critique for each journal article. However, the assignment will be submitted as 1 Microsoft Word document. The content of the paper, including 2 critiques, must be 4–5 pages. In addition to the content, make sure to include a title and reference page.

4.Organize and format each critique with the headings and subheadings outlined below. Do not write the questions. You must write your critiques with well-formed paragraphs that flow logically from one topic to the next.


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