Professional nursing issue

1. Develop skill in scholarly writing using APA 6th edition formatting.
2. Engage students in a research process that investigates a professional nursing issue.
3. Develop skill in critical thinking and analysis of a research topic.
1. identify a research question regarding a professional nursing issue of interest and related to one of the following: Historical influences, philosophical perspectives, or the development of professional self-concept in nursing practice.
2. The term paper is a scholarly submission based-on the analysis of peer reviewed academic resources. Students are to utilize a minimum of five scholarly articles (as well as the course textbook).
Term Paper Guidelines:
Articulating the Issue (Paragraph 1)
In your first paragraph:
– Articulate the issue by bringing the reader towards your topic. Be accurate, objective and succinct.
– Identify the significance and relevance of the issue.
– Critically think and express in your writing how the connection of your topic and how it relates to at least one of the learning objectives of this course.
– End the paragraph with a question or statement of a dilemma that will be the focus of the essay.
Framing the Issue (Paragraph 2)
In the second paragraph:
– Provide some background information about the issue. Draw in current literature about the scope, nature and magnitude of the issue. Describe the issue, define terms, characteristics and context of the issue in Canadian nursing practice. In this paragraph you do not provide supporting arguments here, but rather prepare to put forward a thesis statement.
Finish the paragraph with your thesis statement on the issue. Your aim is to write the thesis statement (your opinion) so that it is clearly worded, concise, and identifies the dilemma of the topic or the aspect of the topic that is controversial. The thesis statement is the focal point of your essay. A thesis is a proposition put forward and supported by arguments. A well-developed thesis statement takes an assertive stance on the identified issue and is debatable (i.e., there is an
opposite thesis to the one that you have proposed). The thesis statement is to be the final sentence of this second paragraph.
D. Analyzing the Issue (Paragraphs 3, 4 and 5)
Each of the next three paragraphs is a separate argument that supports the thesis. Present a critical analysis of literature that clearly and logically builds your argument (and therefore supports the thesis). Your goal is to persuade your course professor that your opinion (thesis statement) is reasonable and well supported (grounded in evidence).

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