- Executive Summary
Discuss briefly what your project topic is, what your objectives are, what you have achieved so far and what challenges you need to overcome so you successfully complete your project. Ideally this should not be longer than one page. - Outline of activities undertaken so far
- Objectives and Scope: Any changes
- Progress so far
- Up-to-date Literature Review related to your topic
- Outcomes so far specific to your project topic
- Outline your interaction with your supervisor & your group so far
- What challenges are you facing, and how do you propose to address these?
- Modified Project Plan and Timeline
- Final technical paper details
You are required to identify reputable journals in the research area of your topic. This may require you to get some guidance from your supervisor and your peers. Please state here what would be the Table of Contents for your technical paper. - Template for your Journal Paper
Please attach a copy of an example technical paper required for this journal. This could be a paper you have referred to as part of your Literature Review.
Example of templates for publication in Journals supported by IEEE:
HYPERLINK “http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/authors/author_templates.html”http://w