Progressive dicscipline

Discipline is a term used to describe consequences becoming more and more severe as an employee continues to violate district policies. Describe the steps in your Miami Dade Country, Florida progressive discipline plan. Be specific. In addition, does the plan accommodate employees actions which may be severe enough to skip steps in the progressive discipline plan for more severe consequences.

During an interview, the interviewer asks the candidate if he/she can perform the essential functions of the job. The interviewer also goes an ask the candidate if he or she is married, and the company conceded about hiring married people because the job entails a great deal of travel and this can have an impact on an employees personal life. Are these lines of questioning appropriate ? Why or why not? What can a company ask and what can a company not ask during an interview?

You have posted your resume and cover letter. Describe which position you have held that has prepared you best to be an administrator and why?

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