Project Evaluation: Best Practices and Templates

Overview and Rationale
This course has explored various aspects of project performance evaluation. In order to more easily incorporate performance evaluation into project you manage, you will develop a best practices document that includes various template that you find useful.
Program and Course Outcomes
This assignment provides a baseline understanding to the course topics, and is directly related to these course learning objectives:
L10: Integrate course work and feedback to construct a final performance evaluation best practices and template document

Essential Components
Based on the work you have completed throughout the course, you are asked to consolidate all of your learning and the feedback you have received into a best practices document for performance evaluation. For the final assignment, create a document containing best practices and/or templates for the following areas:
• The role and purpose of performance evaluation in a project environment (Lesson 1)
• How to approach performance evaluation (Lesson 1)
• Feedback and benefits of performance evaluation (Lesson 1)
• Evaluation goals matrix (lesson 2)
• Evaluation tools (Lesson 3)
• Perform earned value example (Lesson 4)
• Incorporating Integrated Change Control (Lesson 5)
• Change Request Template (Lesson 5)

The assignment does not have a set length and will vary depending on the templates you choose to incorporate. At the end of this assignment you will have a final document that could be utilized as a template for any class/ future work.
Below are some key guidelines you will want to ensure you follow in this assignment. Think of this list as a quality control checklist, along with the attached grading rubric.
• Incorporate any feedback received from previous assignments
• Document should professionally formatted using titles, headers, and bullets where appropriate.
• Consider using a MsWord document template to format the report.
• All content must be original to you.
• You must include a title page and cite any outside sources using a works cited page according to APA 6th edition guidelines
• Submission is free of grammatical errors and misspellings

Assessment Element Above Standard
(100-95%) Meets Standards
(94.9 – 84%) Approaching Standards
(83.9 – 77%) Below Standard
(76.9 – 70%) Not Evident
(69.9 – 0%)
Incorporation of Feedback
Goes beyond the requirements in incorporating of instructor feedback from previous assignments into final project. All elements of the final project reflect meaningful incorporation of instructor feedback from previous assignments. Most elements of the final project reflect incorporation of instructor feedback from previous assignments. Some elements of the final project reflect incorporation of instructor feedback from previous assignments. None of the elements of the final project reflect incorporation of instructor feedback from previous assignments.
Required Components
(25%) Goes beyond the required components to apply project management in an innovative, tailored, and value-added way Contains all the required components to apply project management in an innovative, tailored, and value-added way Includes most of the required components as stated in the assignment instructions Missing some of the required components as stated in the assignment instructions Excludes most of the required components as stated in the assignment instructions
(25%) Goes well above requirements of the assignment to deliver new information and/or relevant new techniques In-depth analysis of the learning experiences and how they led to understanding of self, others, and course concepts via authentic examples Examines learning experiences and their application in a professional and personal context but lack in-depth analysis Challenges beliefs, values, and attitudes of self and others but lack in-depth analysis Does not move beyond description of the learning experiences
Grammar & Clarity
(25%) Expresses ideas and opinions in a clear and concise manner with obvious connection to the assignment Uses clear language to accurately express abstract ideas and explain concepts Minor errors in writing and lack of clarity and accuracy Many errors in writing and lack of clarity and accuracy Uses unclear language and fails to express abstract ideas and explain concepts accurately

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