Project Management






After you have determined which instrument you will be using, search the literature again for any journal articles that assess and/or report on the instruments validity and reliability. Then, using the article(s) you found, please answer the following questions.

1. What is the exact name of one (1) empirical instrument (i.e. measure) you have selected to for your
research proposal in mixed methods research?

2. What is the correct APA citation for the journal article(s) that assesses your selected instrument?

3. What construct(s) does the instrument measure? Please identify all of them and provide a brief
definition and/or explanation for each.

4. Is evidence of the instrument’s validity established in the journal article? If so, summarize the details
for each type of measurement validity reported. If the type of validity is not reported, please write
N/A in the space provided.

Content (i.e. face) validity:
Construct validity:
Concurrent validity:
Criterion validity:
Predictive validity:

5. Is evidence of the instrument’s reliability well established? If so, summarize the details for each type
of measurement reliability reported. If the type of reliability is not reported, please write N/A in the
space provided.

Internal consistency (Cronbach’s α >0.70):
Test–retest reliability ( κ >0.70 OR ICC, r, ρ):

6. Has the instrument been previously validated in a population similar to the one you wish to study? If
not, please state the population in which the instrument has been validated. (For example, if you wish
to study urban, black youth, has the instrument been previously validated in a sample of urban, black

7. In previous research using the instrument, did the authors specifically state the change in scores
required to be considered clinically meaningful?
8. Is the full version of the instrument available for public use and easily found online? If so, copy and
paste the link to where the instrument can be found. If not, what is the email listed to obtain
permission from the author for its use?

9. What surrogate or proxy measures have you identified that can also be used? (For example, grade
point average often serves as a surrogate or proxy measure of intellectual ability.)

10. Why did you specifically choose this instrument or what made you determine this instrument was the
best measure to use based on your area of research and/or topic?





After you have determined which instrument you will be using, search the literature again for any journal articles that assess and/or report on the instruments validity and reliability. Then, using the article(s) you found, please answer the following questions.

1. What is the exact name of one (1) empirical instrument (i.e. measure) you have selected to for your
research proposal in mixed methods research?

2. What is the correct APA citation for the journal article(s) that assesses your selected instrument?

3. What construct(s) does the instrument measure? Please identify all of them and provide a brief
definition and/or explanation for each.

4. Is evidence of the instrument’s validity established in the journal article? If so, summarize the details
for each type of measurement validity reported. If the type of validity is not reported, please write
N/A in the space provided.

Content (i.e. face) validity:
Construct validity:
Concurrent validity:
Criterion validity:
Predictive validity:

5. Is evidence of the instrument’s reliability well established? If so, summarize the details for each type
of measurement reliability reported. If the type of reliability is not reported, please write N/A in the
space provided.

Internal consistency (Cronbach’s α >0.70):
Test–retest reliability ( κ >0.70 OR ICC, r, ρ):

6. Has the instrument been previously validated in a population similar to the one you wish to study? If
not, please state the population in which the instrument has been validated. (For example, if you wish
to study urban, black youth, has the instrument been previously validated in a sample of urban, black

7. In previous research using the instrument, did the authors specifically state the change in scores
required to be considered clinically meaningful?
8. Is the full version of the instrument available for public use and easily found online? If so, copy and
paste the link to where the instrument can be found. If not, what is the email listed to obtain
permission from the author for its use?

9. What surrogate or proxy measures have you identified that can also be used? (For example, grade
point average often serves as a surrogate or proxy measure of intellectual ability.)

10. Why did you specifically choose this instrument or what made you determine this instrument was the
best measure to use based on your area of research and/or topic?

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