Project, Presentation, & Artist Statement

Form: An original work of painting, photography, installation, sculpture, video, fiction, poetry, memoir, creative non-fiction, music, dance, film, performance art, architecture, or some other creative medium…of your own original making!

Objective: Use this project to creatively explore, argue, comment or critically reflect on our course themes, inspired by our class materials and discussions, and made real in your own lives through your creative production.

Project Components (200 pts):
• Proposal (50pts): A basic description of your tentative ideas, plans, themes, objectives, and inspirations for the project; the form it will take; how you will present it (online) to the class; and road blocks to lift. Proposal form provided below!
• Project & Presentation (100pts): Show us the piece you created! Depending on the art form you chose, you will need to document your process and create a “shareable” version of your project that can be posted on our Creative Project Forum. You should plan to post the original work itself (especially if text), a link to an online version of it, photo documentation of the original work, video of your original work, performance, or process…in whatever way you think will best exhibit your work. Provide some brief introduction, titles, context, or background to help us understand what we are seeing. Then post your Artist’s Statement, so we can further understand your intentions.
• Artists’ Statement (50pts): A written discussion of the piece you made, situating what you created in the theories, themes, and readings of the course, identifying (about 1 page each) your

  1. inspiration,
  2. intentions,
  3. expected audience,
  4. creative process, and
  5. reflections on the whole piece/experience.

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