Project procurement plan and cost estimate

Develop a project procurement plan and cost estimate spreadsheet that reflects the goals and objectives for a chosen project. There is no page limit for this assessment.

Before senior leadership is willing to commit money to a project, they need to see the numbers. The project manager is responsible for forecasting the budget, timeline, and resources for the project; determining and managing project procurement; and developing a project procurement plan. By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment criteria:
Competency 1: Develop a project management plan that addresses all aspects of a project. Develop a project procurement plan. Define the processes for conducting and administering project procurements. Forecast project budgeting requirements. Forecast project time and resource requirements. Competency 4: Communicate in a manner that is scholarly, professional, and consistent with expectations for professionals in health administration. Write clearly and concisely in a form and style consistent with professional health administration project management communications. Present project data and information coherently and logically in a form consistent with professional health administration standards of practice for project communications.

Develop a project procurement plan that reflects the goals and objectives for the project with the intent of getting commitment and buy-in from senior leadership. Continue using the scenario chosen in Assessment 1 to complete your project procurement plan. The audience for this assessment will be senior leadership/C-suite.
Step One: Preparation and Cost Estimate Based on the projects objectives in the workplace setting, you would use Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Project, or other appropriate software of your choice to forecast the budgetary requirements for the project. For the purposes of this assessment, use the Project Cost Estimate Template, linked in the Required Resources: as a guide for your forecasting.

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