Project Proposal


To Do: Write a proposal in which you describe a project you wish to undertake in your given field and attempt to persuade your reader to approve it.

Rationale: This major assignment meets the following course goals:

Produce documents in a variety of professional genres such as memos, proposals, and analytical reports;
Develop document designs that maximize effectiveness for the audience and purpose;
Conduct and incorporate primary and secondary research to support rhetorical aims;
Why Bother: Proposals are a versatile genre that are used throughout the professional world. They can be of various lengths, contain different levels of detail, and be of differing levels of formality. Understanding how to present your work is incredibly important as you will have to do so in various contexts such as asking an employer to approve your proposed changes to company policy or convince an external backer to fund you. Composing this sort of document often helps cement your own reasoning on a topic, further defining your purpose and why it is so important to your continued work.

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