Project;The Centre of Galaxy

In your first group project, you had the knowledge needed to solve it early on. For the second project, you won’t
cover the majority of the concepts until Module 9. However, that does not mean you cannot look ahead to the
concepts of rotation and apply them to the concepts of kinetic energy (Modules 6-7). It is more straightforward
than you suspect. In addition to this, your instructor will check on your group’s ponderings in the discussion
activity and nudge you in the right direction, if needed.
Each group will be responsible for developing a solution for the following question: If you travel by starship to
the center of the galaxy such that you arrive within a subjective human lifespan, how much radiation damage
will you suffer from the interstellar vacuum? Your group’s solution to this problem needs to address the
following, at a minimum:
Assume special relativity holds and ignores the problems of accelerating and decelerating the spacecraft.
At what point in the journey through the interstellar vacuum would you suffer too much radiation damage to go
How did you determine the amount of radiation damage? What equations did you need? What values did you
use for the variables? How did you determine those values?
Collaboration word cloud.Format: The group will submit a 4-5 page paper, prepared using current APA
standards (title page, abstract, 2-3 pages of text with no more than 1 page of that being diagrams/pictures, and
a reference page). Writing should show college-level work and be free of grammatical errors. Proper citation of
appropriate sources is important to your grade. Citations or research from non-professional or non-refereed
sources, including but not limited to Wikipedia, Ask, and Yahoo! Answers, will not be accepted. Division of
labor within the group will be decided amongst group members. To ensure that all group members contribute a
fair share of work, each group member will be asked to sub

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