Property Crime in Our Neighborhood

The rate of property crime has gained a significant increase in the United States, and my neighborhood is not an exception. From the definition, property crime involves stealing a victim’s property or destroying it without necessarily using force or threat against the victim. Some of the most common property crimes include burglary, theft, arson, and vandalism, among others (Duffin). Currently, property crime is one of the most common crimes in America. It is caused by inadequate security by HOA or owners of property, substance abuse, natural disasters, and the most responsible cause of this problem is poverty that has results in inequality and class differences in the United States. Although property crime has always existed, poverty and inequality have had more effects on growing numbers of crime than ever before.
There has been much evidence that bikes are being stolen in our apartment complex since my family moved here. HOA has not taken any action about it. Witnesses found that “enough of us have had stolen property. We should state a petition to have HOA change the carport gates to coding in/out and have cameras installed. Cameras should be watching the entrances into the guest parking lots since that is where vehicles would exit” (Troy). Unfortunately, some people have no problem taking stuff that does not belong to them. Worse than that, HOA never did anything about it. My neighbor says, “I moved to this apartment complex 2 years ago. I had a big bulky chain lock that I used to lock up my electric in the carports and someone cut the chain in the middle of the day and stole it” (Jordan). Even though he used high quality and strong chain lock, it still did not work. It shows we are dealing with a considerable theft problem in our complex. Bicycles are more targeted for being stolen.
Having a safe neighborhood is a priceless gift for families, especially those who have children. Any problem in your residence will have effects on the family’s life. Statistic shows, “violent crime and theft are growing in Westlake Village since 2019” (“CA Crime Statistic For 2020”). It shows that crime and robbery are growing eventually, and this neighborhood needs more security than before. It is time to stop the theft problem and remove obstacles to reach our goal, which is a safe community for families. According to Kelly, “HOA Board is clearly lacking in priorities. We had so many bikes, scooters, motorbikes and car items stolen.” It shows all people who live in this complex are affected by thieves. Making families, children, and communities safe from crime is an action that takes time and does not happen overnight. This place is dealing with a severe theft problem in which HOA should prevent theft in our complex.
The impact of natural disasters on crime is not hidden from anyone. Natural disasters have a significant blow to the economy and are followed by an increase in crime rates. Research has shown, “Evident in both the crime and disaster literatures is a tight coupling between indicators of social disadvantage and neighborhood vulnerability to these social problems” (Zahnow). When people lose their job, more homeless people, and fewer job opportunities after disasters cause an increase in crime rates. The influence of natural disaster on crime trends, “Natural disasters function as acute, traumatizing, and unanticipated shocks that can lead to rapid shifts in neighborhood population composition, alter routine community functioning, and disrupt informal regulatory processes” (Erikson, [29]; Ritchie & Gill, [70]). It indicates, when disasters strike, there is an issue with disrupting informal regulatory processes to control property crimes. Compare to inadequate security, natural disasters have less impact on property crime rates in the contemporary USA.
Even though some real-estate developers and individuals have invested heavily in security, it is still a critical threat in our neighborhoods. There are various groups of people, and some depend on the working class to survive. When survival becomes a problem due to a lack of basic needs, particularly food and clothes, these people break into properties to obtain these needs. Based on a news report by Ciara Nugent on October 23, 2018, “Nine out of 10 households say they don’t have enough money to buy food”. This is a crucial pointer as to why security continues to be a threat in contemporary society these days. Hunger can drive people towards breaking your house to find either food or money to buy it. Compared to substance abuse, security is highly ranked on the chain of the most responsible causes of property crime.
Substance abuse has also increased at an alarming rate in the contemporary USA. Research has shown substance abuse with a substantial level of influence on property crime. People who abuse drugs such as marijuana, alcohol, and other hard drugs most likely make poor decisions, which are among the leading causes of arson and vandalism of properties. According to this research, “By calculating mean age of first drug use along with mean age of first offense, it is possible to shed some light on the progression of drug use and crime. Thus, if the drug use‐onset age precedes the age of first criminal activity, it could be proposed that drug use contributed to the onset of criminal behaviors” (Baltieri). Therefore, it is evident that substance abuse and crime have causally related to each other. According to Bruce et al., “There certainly appears to be a correlation between daily drug use and criminal activities (Benson, et al. 680).” This is a clear indication that the rising number of property crimes is, in a way, associable with substance abuse. Therefore, the government, individuals, and other relevant stakeholders should be on the lookout.
Compared to the two factors above, poverty and inequality are the leading responsible cause for property crime. In most cases, poverty induces a critical class-difference within a society, becoming the bedrock for inequalities. Poor people are quite often deprived of their rights, which, at times, introduces a severe social grudge (Papaioannou 4). Based on an interview I organized, one of the area security officers told me that there had been many reported cases of stolen items, for example, bicycles. “Every week, we hear cases about stolen items. I suppose the homeless people living around this area are directly involved.” Based on this rejoinder, it is patent that poverty and inequality induce class differences, leading to property crime. The chance of becoming a victim of either violent or property crime in Westlake Village, CA, is growing to compare 2019″ (Statista Research Department). It shows that crime and robbery are increasing over time, and this complex needs better security and no access from the sidewalk for thieves to walk in at night. Therefore, poverty will not decrease until class differences are eliminated, and inequality is solved in the United States.
We must overcome this fundamental problem in our community before it gets worst. As I mentioned above, there are many causes of a property crime: inadequate security by HOA or individuals, substance abuse, natural disasters, and the most responsible cause of this problem is poverty. Overall, there is a relationship between all these causes, and it ends up in poverty and class-difference within a society. The result of that is going to be crim in our community. We must help each other and eradicate poverty by uniting and becoming one voice. We all as a resident, must take some actions to protect our neighborhood. Our society deserves better than this. Everyone has the right to peace of mind at home and protects their children from any danger. Therefore, we must start gathering evidence and seek the authorities’ help to convince HOA for better service and handling. Indeed, resolving property crime in our neighborhood may be achieved if only the poor’s lives are elevated, and inequality is abolished.
After reviewing various scenarios and literature on property crimes’ primary causes, I realized that poverty and substance abuse are significant crimes. Most people who are disadvantaged in society lack the basic needs in their daily lives. Whenever they seek help and unfortunately lack someone to pay some attention to their needs, they lose hope and opt to take the property crime option. Not that they love committing the crimes, but because of the situations that they are in, they find themselves forced to commit crimes for the sake of their wellbeing. On the other hand, Substance abuse has also increased at an alarming rate in the contemporary USA. Research has shown substance abuse with a substantial level of influence on property crime. Therefore, since those mentioned above are the significant causes of property crimes, I propose that substance abuse affects awareness and job creation (Disadvantaged) to be the critical solution to the crimes.
I strongly suggest that creating awareness on the effects of substance abuse on youths and the public would be a great solution to property crimes. Most people consume crimes without comprehending the effects that drugs may cause to them. According to evidence, “Because teens are at a vulnerable time in their lives, they may continue to abuse drugs and eventually become addicted. This addiction helps them find control and escape from their external stress and pressure” (Journey Pure Emerald Coast journals). Most teens tend to innocently consume drugs that, with time, turn out to be an addition, which leads them to become victims of drugs. Once victims of drugs, the drugs cause them to become victims of crimes, more so of property. According to National Institute of Justice, “overall, the preponderance of evidence from studies indicates that the Adults in the Making (AIM) program has a positive impact on deterring the use of alcohol, drugs, and involvement in other risky behaviors among AIM participants” (Crime Solutions). It shows that participating at some programs like AMI and similar programs with aiming to youth behavior awareness will be helpful and effective. Therefore, if the teens and other groups of people in the society would be enlightened on the effects of substance abuse, they will keep away from the consumption and not be victims of crimes.
On the other hand, poverty and inequality are another cause of crimes; therefore, if there would be a solution to the poverty problem, then property crimes would have been eliminated. According to evidence, “Collectivists feel that society is unequal, and some people are at greater risk of being influenced by criminal behaviour, often through the actions of parents or friends” (Bitesize Journal). Thus, in a way, it would be found that it will flatten the curve between the various classes in society, such property crimes that are associated with poverty would be no more. According to author, “Income inequality is blamed for being the main driver of violent crime by the majority of the literature” (Baomin). It shows that in most cases, the results of poverty and income inequality would be crime actions. Besides, the stress associated with poverty can also become the cause of people going to substance abuse to reduce poverty stress. This fact brings us to the point that poverty or inequality in society is a more outstanding contributor to property crimes. Therefore, creating job opportunities for such people would significantly reduce stress and make them settle, and lower crime rates.
There must be an effective and an ineffective one in every solution proposed to tackle a particular problem. In my case, substance abuse effects awareness may not be effective enough in combating the property crime rate. But the creation of job opportunities to reduce the inequality level in society would play a significant role in eliminating property crime, for it would bring comfort that lacked and forced victims to commit a crime in search of it. Besides, once people get their basic needs from the little, they earn from their respective jobs, they lack the reason for engaging themselves in stress suppressers such as drugs. This fact proves how the job creation technique can be more effective than a substance abuse awareness solution. However, if such measures will be taken and be implemented into the system, I am sure my neighborhood would among the peaceful places.

  1. (new) Introductory paragraph: Include an hook (may be from Essay #3) and a new thesis that articulates the problem and solution your paper will address. Your thesis must tell: The main cause and possible solution, Your action plan about how you will implement your solution, and why your action plan will work
  2. Give 12 body paragraphs that:
    a. Clearly define a specific problem in society. Feel free to cut and paste relevant body paragraphs from Essay #3 here.
    b. Offer a Causal Analysis: Discuss contributing causes of the problem and present one as most responsible. Feel free to cut and paste relevant body paragraphs from Essay #3 here.
    c. Offer a Solution: Outline a viable, specific solution to that problem. Explain why that solution would work. Prove why your solution would be better than another, competing solution.

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