Protectionism is the economic policy of restraining trade between nations through methods such as tariffs on imported goods, restrictive quotas, and a variety of other government regulations. Please prepare arguments for and against the practice of protectionism. You can read Chapter 2 of our textbook as the starting point. You can also use outside sources to strengthen and support your arguments. Document all viewpoints and their supporting evidence.
This paper is an individual assignment. The length of the paper has to be at least four pages with proper logic, organization, and citations.
Paper Due Date: Thursday, Sep 3rd, 2015.
Requirements for written papers are as follows:
Written Assignments
Requirements for written papers are as follows:
? All written material must be typed (double-spaced, standard margins, 12 point font size, 8½” x 11″ white paper).
? The title of the assignment, your name, the course name and number plus section number (365-01, 365-02) and the professor’s name should appear on the cover page.
Evaluation of Papers
Each writing assignment will be evaluated on the following criteria: Relative Criterion Importance
1. Content – conciseness, correctness, and completeness of answer (highly informative/sufficiently detailed); application of theory learned in course; originality of ideas and creativity; logic of analysis; use of examples and evidence (including a sufficient number of outside sources).
2. Organization, Presentation, and Appearance – Organization includes: a) coherence – the paper is sequentially logical; paragraphs and sentences are in the right order; topics are developed within paragraphs; topic transitions between sections, paragraphs, and sentences flow smoothly and logically; b) unity – introduction and conclusion (summarizes and provides closure); the theme is clear; everything in the paper defends or explains the theme.
Presentation and appearance involve matters such as neatness and proper formal paper format (including title page, endnotes, headings and subheadings, page numbers, margins, use of exhibits and illustrative charts, etc.).
3. Clarity of Communication – a) Writing style – the paper is clearly and concisely written, not to impress, but to make the reader understand; active voice; verb tense consistent; professional tone (absence of contractions, appropriate vocabulary, etc.) b) Mechanics – grammar, syntax, spelling, punctuation, word divisions (typographical errors, if present, should be corrected in pencil).
Total 100%