Psychology journal article

write a journal article on how do children view and categories human and dog facial

expressions? of 500 words each of 3 parts Part 1: What’s this article about? Tell us what the unique contribution of this article is to our understanding of

child cognition. Dont just tell us the topic, tell us what new thing the study wants to learn about that topic.

Pretend youre writing for somebody who knows nothing about psychology and has probably never heard any of

the jargon used in the article. For example: if the article is about theory of mind, assume the reader has no idea

what theory of mind is.

Part 2: Article critique. Did the article study what it wanted to study? Were there problems with it? Many
articles aim to study somethingbut the actual methods they use might not be the best way to do that. Share your

thoughts on whether this was a good study, and whether the methods and findings seem to 1) make sense and 2)

line up with what the authors are saying they found. (Hint: authors often make bold claims in the Discussion

section, but when you check the Results section the evidence is much weaker than they make it sound.)

Part 3: The next experiment. Pretend you need to come up with a follow-up study, potentially one that couldve
also been included in the same paper (if the authors had actually run it). This study could either address a problem

with the current study/studies, or it could follow-up on an interesting or important finding. Tell us what the study

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