Public Art Project


Select an artwork in your community on display in a public space. Submit a 2-3 paragraph essay describing the artwork and answering the following questions. This is NOT a research assignment. I want to hear you ideas and thoughts on Public Art and the Special considerations artists must think of when creating art for the public vs. art for museums or galleries.

Interpret the story (expression) of the artwork based on what you see and think. How does the artwork relate to it’s surroundings. Why was the artwork created for the public space – speculate? How do you feel about the artwork being in your community? How is art in the public realm different than art in a museum or gallery? Are there special considerations for art in public spaces, specifically the piece you chose?

Include the following information (if available).

  1. Artist’s name and title/date of the artwork
  2. Location of the artwork
  3. Medium (materials used)

Also attach a photograph of the artwork to your document, Save as .pdf and upload to submit.

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